ISPO is structured into Member Societies (MS) that represent a country or region. Each MS is independent and implements activities that will further reinforce the ISPO mission and objectives within the MS country or region.
ISPO Member Societies elect representatives from their membership to serve on the International Committee (IC). In addition to the MS representatives, the IC includes the Executive Board and other ISPO leadership.
The IC evaluates ISPO activities, advises the Executive Board as appropriate, and ensures that ISPO policies and plans reflect the various professional disciplines and interests, cultural identity, and geographical distribution of the ISPO membership.
The IC elects the ISPO Officers (President, President-Elect, Treasurer) and Executive Board members. The Immediate Past-President and all Committee Chairs may join the Executive Board as ex-officio non-voting members.
ISPO undertakes its activities thanks to the work of its various Committees and Working Groups.
The ISPO Head Office is in Brussels, Belgium.