Message from Claude Tardif, Past President

15 May 2023

Message from the Past President (1)

After 4 years, it was great to reconnect face-to-face with ISPO community at the ISPO 19th World Congress in Guadalajara (Mexico). Alongside the excellent scientific programme, I had the pleasure of meeting most of the ISPO partners, which whom we exchange on what the Society had achieved during the last biennium and also on future areas of collaboration. The exhibition has brought together the main companies in addition to a significant a smaller but innovative companies/start-ups.

During the 2021-2023 biennium and despite the pandemic, the Society continued to move forward. Over the 2021.2023 biennium new members joined the ISPO Global Partnership Exchange (GPEx) and ISPO joined the Global Alliance of Assistive Technology Organizations (GAATO) and the World Rehabilitation Alliance (WRA). In addition, our official relationship status with World Health Organisation (WHO) was extended. During the World Congress the WHO Standards for Prosthetics and Orthotics Assessment Tool and the WHO Wheelchair Provision Guidelines were launched.

During the 2021-2023 biennium, we have launched the ISPOLearn (a continuous professional development platform) and, the International Prosthetics and Orthotics Day (November 5) to raise awareness on the need to provide further resources to ensure equitable and appropriate access to prosthetics and orthotics services. We have also continued our journey through our “digital renovation” including the complete revision of ISPO website and the possibility for our members to better interact with the ISPO community though the ISPO Community platform.

More information on the ISPO achievements during the 2021-2023 biennium is available in the 2021-2023 Biennium Report.

At the end of the ISPO 19th World Congress, a new Executive Board took office, and I am sure that the Society is in good hand under the leadership of David Constantine (President) and Sandra Ramdial (President Elect).

It was a privilege to served as the ISPO President over the last eighteen months and will like to take tis opportunity to thank all members who have given time to support the work of the different ISPO committees for their dedication and commitment.

I look forward to seeing you all

Claude Tardif
Immediate Past President