

The vision for ISPO Australia is to strengthen the lives of the user community of prosthetic and orthotic devices through a multidisciplinary approach to care. This collaborative approach provides our members an opportunity to identify, plan and deliver projects and support to Australian based practitioners, with a focus on rural and remote needs and needs of our regional pacific neighbours.

The domains of focus are Science and Research, Education, and Outreach services. Projects and activities are underpinned by active treasury, marketing and member services provided from the Executive Committee.

Past projects and ongoing initiatives include financial support for ISPO congress attendance, delivering high risk foot workshops within pacific region, authorship and publication of Donations Guidelines relating to O&P componentry, providing funding for Research Grant bi-annually, supporting publication of research for broader audience via open access, and establishing outreach rehabilitation services and mentorship.

ISPO Australia is appreciative of all efforts and contributions, and is actively seeking volunteers from our member base to continue the work many have been involved with over many years.