

The Cambodian Prosthetist and Orthotist Association (KhAPO) was established in December 2002 by a group of qualified prosthetists and orthotists (P&O), an engineer and prosthetic and orthotic technicians; with the aim of empowering prosthetists and orthotists in Cambodia to achieve the quality of prosthetic and orthotic services to a high standard for people with disability. Each year, the association has organized a national congress, moving around to different provinces to raise society awareness and to provide members with continual professional developmentCambodian P&O graduates have demonstrated their competence in making artificial limbs and braces for people with disabilities. Its involvement in both physical rehabilitation and community based rehabilitation has improved the lives of many people with a disability. Based on the annual reports from each Physical Rehabilitation Center, at least 200 prosthetic and orthotic devices have been produced by P&Os in Cambodia. On a combined basis, the 11 physical rehabilitation centers produce about 12000 prosthetic and orthotic devices each year.

In 2013, KhAPO became an ISPO Member Society. ISPO Cambodia has collaborated with ISPO Norway since 2013 as part of a „twinning partnership‟ and is an active MS in ISPO fora.

Vision: A prosthetic and orthotic profession which provides the best service possible to achieve improved quality of life for people with disabilities.

Mission: Continuously develop a growing, dynamic, and professional association that promotes therecognition and advancement of prosthetic and orthotic profession throughout Cambodia and beyond.