Biennium report 2023

BIENNIUM REPORT 2021-2023 2 Table of contents Vision and Mission............................................... 2 President’s foreword. .......................................... 3 Historical Highlights............................................ 4 International Prosthetics and Orthotics Day ..... 6 ISPO 2030 Roadmap. ........................................... 7 Education Committee and subsection................ 9 Global Educators Meeting. ................................. 10 Accreditation Programme .................................. 10 CPD ...................................................................... 13 Publication Committee........................................ 17 Prosthetics and Orthotics International ............ 18 Advocacy and Awareness Committee................ 19 Membership Committee . ................................... 20 Finance Committee ............................................. 23 Scientific Committee . ......................................... 24 ISPO World Congress .......................................... 25 National Members Societies - Engagement ...... 27 National Members Societies - Activities ............ 27 Collaborations...................................................... 34 ISPO New website ............................................... 37 ISPO Community platform.................................. 38 ISPO Executive Board .......................................... 39 ISPO Head Office . ............................................... 39 ISPO Organigramme ........................................... 40 Outlook 2023-2025 ............................................. 41 Code of Conduct ................................................. 42 Vision and Mission ISPO is a multidisciplinary organisation that promotes access to appropriate and equitable rehabilitation, mobility devices, and other assistive technology to improve the quality of life for people with reduced mobility. ISPO membership includes all rehabilitation professionals (i.e., prosthetists and orthotists, prosthetic and orthotic technicians, orthopaedic surgeons, rehabilitation doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, orthopaedic shoemakers, nurses, and biomechanical/ rehabilitation engineers, etc...) along with industry partners and users of assistive technology services. ISPO’s vision A world where all people have equal opportunity for full participation in society. ISPO’s mission To improve the quality of life for persons who may benefit from the rehabilitation practice of prosthetic, orthotic, mobility, and assistive technology by: • Promoting multidisciplinary practice. • Facilitating professional education to provide quality care. • Promoting research and evidence-based practice. • Facilitating innovative and appropriate technology. • Fostering international collaboration and consensus. • Facilitating knowledge exchange.