Biennium report 2023
INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PROSTHETICS AND ORTHOTICS 3 President’s Foreword Claude Tardif ISPO President 2021-2023 It is my great pleasure to present the Biennium Report for the period 2021-2023 which provides a summary of ISPO over the last 18 months. This biennium started during the coronavirus pandemic, a challenging period for everyone, and ISPO and several of our National Member Societies did not go unaffected. If was also challenging for those who needed access to rehabilitation and to mobility products as access to these services was limited during the crisis. While this biennium started with no possibilities for face-to-face exchanges, it is reaching its conclusion with the 19th ISPOWorld Congress in Guadalajara. The ISPO World Congress is a premiere global event for mobility products (prosthetics, orthotics, and wheelchairs), assistive technology and rehabilitation services that improve mobility and quality of life for people with functional limitations. As ISPO President, it is my privilege to invite you to Guadalajara, Mexico in 2023 to join us and to share with the community ideas and innovations to improve quality of care, to learn from others, to explore the latest developments in our industry through the trade exhibition, and to connect with other delegates in the various social activities. The 19th ISPO World Congress theme is “The Art and the Science”. This theme brings together two important aspects of prosthetic, orthotic and mobility care. The “Art” can refer to elite craftsmanship and clinical experience that is applied when providing appropriate services for assistive technology consumers. “Art” can also relate to the personalisation and artistic aspects of device design that incorporates the user’s personality and feelings, moving an assistive device beyond just a piece of technology. The “Science” incorporates innovation, evidence, and knowledge translation across the spectrum of prosthetic, orthotic and mobility services to make sure end-users receive appropriate services at the right time, the right place, and at the right cost. The mission of ISPO is to improve the quality of life for persons who may benefit from prosthetic, orthotic, mobility and assistive technology. It underpins the activity of the Society and is enhanced by working with other organisations and partners which brings even greater results. Over the biennium new members have joined the ISPO Global Partnership Exchange (GPEx) while ISPO joined the Global Alliance of Assistive Technology Organisations (GAATO) and the World Rehabilitation Alliance (WRA). In addition, our official relationship status with the World Health Organisation (WHO) was extended. Our collaboration with the WHO has never been stronger, with representation on numerous working groups to further develop the rehabilitation and the assistive technology sectors. The World Congress this year hosts the launch of the WHO Wheelchair Provision Guidelines. Over the biennium we have continued our journey through our “digital renovation” which includes the complete revision of ISPO website, providing our members with the opportunity to better interact with the ISPO community though the ISPO Community platform. On November 5, 2022, ISPO launched the first International Prosthetics and Orthotics Day. This date corresponds to the date ISPO was established in 1970. International Prosthetics and Orthotics Day is aimed at highlighting and raising awareness of the importance for those needing prostheses and orthoses and the need to provide further resources to ensure equitable and appropriate access to prosthetic and orthotic services. The greatest asset, and the basis for the success of ISPO, is every individual member. It is the dedicated membership which drives the agendas, contributes to the work and successful outcomes of all committees and workgroups and sets the basis for collaborations with other partners. Over the biennium, the Membership Committee has worked to improve communication with National Member Societies and to increase the benefits of ISPO members. The launch of the ISPOLearn platform is a new benefit for ISPO members. Through the work of the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Committee, ISPOLearn provides ISPO members with access to a learning and exchange platform. In addition, the CPD Committee organised several webinars over the biennium. The Education Committee has continued to audit prosthetics and orthotics training programmes. During the biennium 26 training programmes have been audited. To overcome the travel restrictions due to the pandemic, the Education Committee developed an online audit process allowing to continue accrediting programmes despite the restrictions. The third edition of the Global Educators Meeting (GEM) was organised virtually and was attended by more than 150 participants from 41 countries. I am very proud to have had the opportunity to serve as the Society’s President over the last eighteen months. On behalf of the Executive Board, I would like to thank all members who have given time to support the work of the different ISPO committees. Your dedication is much appreciated. I would also like to thank our Executive Board members for their support and commitment. I wish ISPO, and all of you, ongoing success in the future.
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