Biennium report 2023

BIENNIUM REPORT 2021-2023 6 On November 5, 2022, ISPO launched the first International Prosthetics and Orthotics Day. This date corresponds to the date ISPO was established in 1970. International Prosthetics and Orthotics Day is aimed at highlighting and raising awareness of the importance for those needing prostheses and orthoses and the need to provide further resources to ensure equitable and appropriate access to prosthetic and orthotic services. The theme for the International Prosthetics and Orthotics Day was “Enabling and Empowering”: • Enabling — access to prosthetics and orthotics services allows people to live healthy, productive, independent, and dignified lives and to learn, work and take part in society and the development of their countries. • Empowering - access to prosthetics and orthotics services provides the opportunity to determine their own future and fully participate in community life. Watch the video here Follow us on social media to stay updated and connected with us! International Prosthetics and Orthotics Day To celebrate the 1st International Prosthetics and Orthotics Day, ISPO organized a photo contest. The prize was a free registration to the 19th World Congress. To participate in the P&O Day contest, interested members were required to submit their picture, following the guidelines provided. Once the deadline was reached, all the pictures were then reviewed, and a winner was selected at random. We received so many wonderful submissions that showcased all the support and great work that the members do! We would like to thank all of you who celebrated the 1st P&O Day on November 5th! It was wonderful to see all the support and great work that you do! Congratulation Dinesh Dine for winning the contest! The International Prosthetics and Orthotics Day is celebrated each year on November 5th and each year, ISPO campaign will highlight the importance of one of the four pillars (Policy, Products, Personnel and Provision) that need to be addressed to ensure access to equitable, appropriate, and high-quality prosthetics and orthotics services.