#ISPOWER Campaign
Social Media
Raise your voice on social media and contribute to ISPO’s awareness raising campaign.
Use the following handles for your posts:
- Facebook: @ISPOInternational
- Twitter: @ISPO_Int
Use these hashtags in your posts:
- #PplWDisabilities
- #AssistiveHealthTech
- #PandO
Sample tweets and posts:
- #AssistiveveHealthTech help #PplWDisabilities take part in society #ISPOWER
- Join efforts with #ISPOWER towards inclusive & accessible society for all
- #PplWDisabilities have a right to access #education #ISPOWER
- Increased #PandO care allows #PplWDisabilities to pursue #education & #employment #ISPOWER
- 1/5 of the world’s poorest people are disabled. Improve access to #AssistiveveHealthTech #ISPOWER
- Raise awareness on the need for increased access to #AssistiveveHealthTech #ISPOWER
- Engage with #ISPOWER to promote access to #RehabServices
Key messages you can use:
- #ISPOWER is about “Driving access to affordable, appropriate Prosthetic & Orthotic (P&O) and Assistive Health Technology (AHT) services.
- Increased allocation of resources to P&O and Assistive Health Technology (AHT) services will ultimately benefit the economy with users becoming productive members of society.
- Increased access to P&O and Assistive Health Technology (AHT) services allows people with disabilities to pursue in education and employment and hence become productive members of society.
- With appropriate AHT, people with disabilities can pursue their educational and professional ambitions.
- P&O care is not only about providing a device; it is a full service provision.
- Following a multidisciplinary approach is key to improved quality care of P&O users.
- Accessible P&O and assistive health technology services are the key to transform the lives of persons with disabilities.