Gait Outcome Initiative
ISPO Stride Parameter Database: Unilateral Transtibial and Transfemoral Amputees
This database brings together stride parameter information from the literature for unilateral transtibial and transfemoral amputee level walking. Researchers, clinicians and students are free to use and update this Microsoft Excel format to improve the understanding of amputee gait.
The usage guidelines are:
- The GO information is available for use by downloading the Excel file or viewing the summary tables. The database file can be shared with others, but please maintain the ISPO GO Initiative title and header.
- If used in research or other documents, please reference this work by 'Ed Lemaire (2014) “International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics Stride Parameter Database: Unilateral Transtibial and Transfemoral Amputees”. ISPO Scientific Committee. Brussels.'
- The prosthetic and orthotic community is encouraged to add to this database file and send additions to the ISPO Scientific Committee. Updates will be added to this website for access globally. Relevant publications can also be sent to the Scientific Committee for inclusion in the database. Unpublished results from clinical facilities are also encouraged.
- Contributors to the database will be recognised in GO updates.