GEM 2024
The 4th Global Educators Meeting (GEM) will be hosted by the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas (USA) , October 22-24, 2024.
Similar to previous GEMs, GEM 2024 will be an international collaboration between Prosthetics and Orthotics (P&O) Educators that is committed to ongoing knowledge exchange, professional development, and supportive learning. The meetings take place every two years, give P&O education programmes globally the opportunity to showcase their activities, connect with peers and discuss future needs and strategies of P&O education.
The theme of GEM 2024 is ”Innovate. Collaborate. Educate.”. This theme was developed collaboratively using the results of the GEM Educators’ Survey that was circulated via ISPO and many of you had the opportunity to respond to. The GEM Subcommittee and Local Organizing Committee consider the theme a fantastic platform for global educators to explore and contribute to developing prosthetics and orthotics education.
A call for abstracts will be released later in 2023. We will announce this via the various channels available to us as P&O educators, including ISPO, so please watch for this. If you have not previously signed up to the P&O educators’ mailing list, please do so now so you do not miss out on important information. Sign up here or by scanning the QR code:

You may also be interested in the additional activities that are specific to GEM 2024. These include a Wheelchair Service Hybrid Training Series - Basic Level, being offered as a collaboration between ISPO and the ISWP. You can learn more about this by reviewing the information from the training series offered at the GEM 2022.
You are welcome to remain up-to-date on developments and past GEMs by exploring the reports from previous GEMs.
The GEM Subcommittee and Local Organizing Committee look forward to welcoming you to Houston, Texas in 2024!