We would like to introduce you to the ISPO Research Mentorship Programme: IPOS (Improving Prosthetic and Orthotic Sciences). This mentorship programme was established by the ISPO Scientific Committee in 2013, which aims to support junior researchers in enhancing their knowledge and skills of basic research procedures and preparation for publication through individual mentoring by an experienced scientist. The IPOS Programme relies on a (signed) mentorship agreement whereby a research supervisor (Mentor) will coach a novice researcher (Mentee) on topics ranging from research proposal preparation and implementation of research project to writing manuscript for publication. Mentors may also offer insight and guidance into study opportunities, networking, and funding opportunities (including grants and studentships).
The IPOS Programme is open to all members of ISPO. The expectation is that the Research Mentors’ advice and guidance will benefit Research Mentees in their studies and career developments. Research Mentees will be matched with Research Mentors based on broad research interests as shared by both parties. In this programme, the Research Mentee commits to creating a respectful and professional relationship with their assigned Research Mentor. Research Mentees are expected to take an active role in regular communication with their Research Mentors. It is expected that each Mentor and Mentee will develop a unique relationship, as the Mentor will provide advice and guidance relevant to that Mentee’s research interests and professional aspirations. The Mentor and Mentee relationship may result in professional collaboration. The time commitment of a Mentor is dependent on their relationship with the Mentee, but Mentors are encouraged to connect at least once per month. Participation of a Mentor is entirely voluntary, and you can withdraw from the programme at any time.
If you are interested in becoming a Mentor, please complete the intake form here.
While the intake from will not close, please consider completing the form by January 31st, 2025. An email will be sent to you if you are matched with a potential Mentee based on research interests, and you have the option of accepting the invitation or replying to the IPOS coordinator of your denial and interest in submitting your name for another matching opportunity.
Thank you for your interest in the ISPO Research Mentorship Programme.