United Kingdom


The ISPO Member Society in the United Kingdom was established in 1972. It is an active society with approximately 200 members.

During the course of 2020/21, as with all organisations, we have dramatically changed the way we communicate with members and host events. During 2021 we hosted regular webinars on a range of relevant topics across rehabilitation. We also hosted an online Annual Scientific Meeting in collaboration with ISPO Norway. We have set up a Special Interest Group focusing on upper limb difference. We are actively preparing for the international TIPS upper limb scientific conference, which is a 3 day virtual event running from 30 March to 1 April 2022 in collaboration with ISPO Netherlands MS.

We are now in the process of planning activities for 2022 and we hope that following TIPS we will be hosting face to face workshops and meetings again.
ISPO UK is very keen to welcome new members to the organisation and we encourage members to get involved and participate as much as possible.

