Since the mid-1990s, ISPO has partnered with USAID in a number of projects that included evaluating and field-testing commonly used prosthetic and orthotic technologies and techniques, developing protocols and tools to measure the costs of rehabilitation, providing scholarships for prosthetics and orthotics training at ISPO-recognized schools, and assessing the impact of the training on the end user and quality of the treatment:
- Sexton S (2016). ‘Rehabilitation of People with Physical Disabilities in Developing Countries’, Final Report for Collaborative Agreement: DFD-A-00-08-00309-00 (2008-2015). ISPO, ISBN 978-87-93486-00-3.
- Jensen S, Sexton S (2010). 'Appropriate Prosthetic and Orthotic Technologies in Low Income Countries', Final Report for Collaborative Agreement: HRN-G-00-0015-00 (2000-2010). ISPO.
- Fisk J, Soderberg B, Trebbin H, Cochrane H and Stills M (2010). ISPO/LWVF Evaluation team VIETCOT graduates report. ISPO
- Sexton S, Shangali H, Munissi B (2013). Prosthetics & orthotics impact assessment: the impact of training personnel to the minimum standards ISPO Category I & II (East Africa: Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda). ISPO.
- Sexton S, Jovane R, Rosario D, Castaneda M (2015). Prosthetics & orthotics impact assessment: Latin America: Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia. ISPO. Published in English and Spanish.
- Sexton S, Stills M, Chhoeurn V, Kheng S (2015). Prosthetics & orthotics impact assessment: South East Asia: Cambodia and Lao PDR. ISPO.
- Cochrane H, Rosario D, Singh A and Ghosh R (2015). Prosthetics & orthotics impact assessment: India and Bangladesh. ISPO.
- Tardif C, Niang M, Amah A (2016). Prosthetics and orthotics impact assessment: West Africa: Togo and Benin
- Impact Assessment Appendices - English - Spanish
The Nippon Foundation commissioned a report to understand the impacts of its investment in orthotics and prosthetics training and clinical services in Asia:
- Pryor W, Smith F (2019). Impacts of the Nippon Foundation’s Investment in Prosthetics & Orthotics. ISPO.